The housing crisis isn’t just affecting some parts of our region.

It’s impacting households across West Yorkshire and the whole of the UK, with millions of people unable to access the safe, affordable and sustainable housing they need.

Around 90,000 households across West Yorkshire are on housing waiting lists. But by working together, we’re helping to address this by building over 1,000 new homes a year to meet the needs of our communities.

man holding wooden board in building site with woman laughing

How we’re making a difference

We’ve already made great progress towards meeting this demand, with our partnership members owning and managing around 167,000 homes in West Yorkshire – that’s 17% of all homes across our region.

We’re delivering new homes to high-quality standards and by using our shared knowledge and relationships to meet local needs. These new homes include a wide mix of tenures, including social rent, affordable rent, shared ownership and rent-to-buy.

We also work closely with partners to understand what specialist housing is required for those with additional needs. For example, we’ve been trailblazers in our support for the West Yorkshire’s Dementia Ready Housing Taskforce to ensure people live happily and safely in their homes for as long as possible.

We also recognise that building new homes contributes to economic growth and as local organisations we have an important role to play in helping local businesses thrive. That’s why we employ local people and buy goods and services from local suppliers.

Read more and see examples of how we’re building affordable homes on our Case Studies page.

Discover our priorities

We’re working together to maximise the benefits of devolution and deliver lasting change for West Yorkshire.

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Improve our existing homes

Find out more about our chair and vice-chair.

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Tackle the climate emergency

Find out more about our chair and vice-chair.

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